ബഫർ സോൺ ഗൈഡ് ലൈൻസ്

As per the said Guidelines, commercial mining, setting up of saw mills and industries causing pollution, commercial use of firewood, establishment of major hydro-electric projects, use of production of any hazardous substances, undertaking activities related to tourism like over-flying the national park area by any aircraft, hot-air balloons, discharge of effluents and solid waste in natural water bodies or terrestrial areas have been proposed to be made *prohibited activities.
As per the said Guidelines, commercial mining, setting up of saw mills and industries causing pollution, commercial use of firewood, establishment of major hydro-electric projects, use of production of any hazardous substances, undertaking activities related to tourism like over-flying the national park area by any aircraft, hot-air balloons, discharge of effluents and solid waste in natural water bodies or terrestrial areas have been proposed to be made *prohibited activities.
As per the said Guidelines, commercial mining, setting up of saw mills and industries causing pollution, commercial use of firewood, establishment of major hydro-electric projects, use of production of any hazardous substances, undertaking activities related to tourism like over-flying the national park area by any aircraft, hot-air balloons, discharge of effluents and solid waste in natural water bodies or terrestrial areas have been proposed to be made *prohibited activities. *

Certain other activities having lesser environment damaging potential have been proposed to be *regulated. *
Among the regulated activities, as per these Guidelines are:-
(i) Felling of trees with permission from appropriate authority.
(ii) Establishment of hotels and resort as per approved master plan, which takes care of habitats allowing no restriction on movement of wild animals.
(iii) Drastic change in agricultural systems.
(iv) Commercial use of natural water resources including ground water harvesting as per approved master plan, which takes care of habitats allowing no restriction on movement of wild animals.
(v) Erection of electrical cables with stress on promoting underground cabling.
(vi) Fencing of premises of hotels and lodges.
(vii) Use of polythene bags by shopkeepers.
(viii) Widening of roads with proper environmental impact assessment. (ix) Movement of vehicular traffic at night for commercial purposes.

(x) Introduction of exotic species. banks.
(xi) Protection of hill slopes and river banks
(xii) Regulation of any form of air and vehicular pollution.
(xiii) Putting up of sign boards and hoardings.

Within permissible activities fall:-

(1) Ongoing agricultural and horticulture practices by local communities.
(ii) Rain water harvesting
(iii) Organic farming
(iv) Use of renewable energy sources
(v) Adoption of green technology for all activities.

Certain other activities having lesser environment damaging potential have been proposed to be regulated.
Among the regulated activities, as per these Guidelines are:-
(i) Felling of trees with permission from appropriate authority.
(ii) Establishment of hotels and resort as per approved master plan, which takes care of habitats allowing no restriction on movement of wild animals.
(iii) Drastic change in agricultural systems.
(iv) Commercial use of natural water resources including ground water harvesting as per approved master plan, which takes care of habitats allowing no restriction on movement of wild animals.
(v) Erection of electrical cables with stress on promoting underground cabling.
(vi) Fencing of premises of hotels and lodges.
(vii) Use of polythene bags by shopkeepers.
(viii) Widening of roads with proper environmental impact assessment. (ix) Movement of vehicular traffic at night for commercial purposes.

(x) Introduction of exotic species. banks.
(xi) Protection of hill slopes and river banks
(xii) Regulation of any form of air and vehicular pollution.
(xiii) Putting up of sign boards and hoardings.

Within permissible activities fall:-

(1) Ongoing agricultural and horticulture practices by local communities.
(ii) Rain water harvesting
(iii) Organic farming
(iv) Use of renewable energy sources
(v) Adoption of green technology for all activities.

Certain other activities having lesser environment damaging potential have been proposed to be *regulated. *
Among the regulated activities, as per these Guidelines are:-
(i) Felling of trees with permission from appropriate authority.
(ii) Establishment of hotels and resort as per approved master plan, which takes care of habitats allowing no restriction on movement of wild animals.
(iii) Drastic change in agricultural systems.
(iv) Commercial use of natural water resources including ground water harvesting as per approved master plan, which takes care of habitats allowing no restriction on movement of wild animals.
(v) Erection of electrical cables with stress on promoting underground cabling.
(vi) Fencing of premises of hotels and lodges.
(vii) Use of polythene bags by shopkeepers.
(viii) Widening of roads with proper environmental impact assessment. (ix) Movement of vehicular traffic at night for commercial purposes.

(x) Introduction of exotic species. banks.
(xi) Protection of hill slopes and river banks
(xii) Regulation of any form of air and vehicular pollution.
(xiii) Putting up of sign boards and hoardings.

Within permissible activities fall:-

(1) Ongoing agricultural and horticulture practices by local communities.
(ii) Rain water harvesting
(iii) Organic farming
(iv) Use of renewable energy sources
(v) Adoption of green technology for all activities.